There are a ton of reasons why a parent should consider homeschooling their kids. Here are some of the many reasons why we choose to homeschool our kids. #homeschooling #parentingtips #sharinglifesmoments

Why You Should Consider Homeschooling

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Homeschooling your kids is not perfect for everyone, I get that. However, I do feel that everyone COULD do it. Due to our educational downfall, I feel that our country may even be better off should parents consider homeschooling their kids. I feel this way for a long list of reasons, but I’ll only name a few. While there are tons of homeschool critics, they can’t argue against these valid reasons why should parents consider homeschooling their kids.

Children Get Individual Education

Homeschooling your children allows one to decide how you teach your kids reading, writing, Math, and Science. We’re able to choose the curriculum we use to teach them. We are not required to teach them about things that we don’t believe in.

Plus, each child gets to learn using whatever method works best for them versus having a one size fits all mentality. They can learn at that their own pace too.

Why You Should Consider Homeschooling - Homeschooling is becoming popular for a solid set of reasons. See why I feel you should consider it as an option.
Why You Should Consider Homeschooling 1

Freedom to Learn When and How

In the state I live in my children are only required to go to school 30 hours a week or 6 hours a day for 180 days a year. How and when I break that down is entirely up to me provided I provide documentation of how we did it. It would amaze you the number of times they are gaining educational value just by going to the grocery store or while we’re out exploring the trails in our local national parks.

We aren’t limited to 8 AM to 3 PM Mon-Fri. trying to cram everything into our kids’ minds through set schedules. We also have all year to ensure that our kids are grasping the concepts given to them.

Form Closer Bonds With The Kids

Due to the fact that my kids are with me almost 24/7, we have the chance to form a closer bond with each other. There are times when we fight like cats and dogs over our schoolwork. Yet, at the end of it, I still see the value behind taking the time to teach them.

I also get to see first-hand what my kids are interested in being taught. I can help them become the next Steve Jobs by encouraging them to think outside the box of ways they can turn their passions into full-time incomes.

My kids are also able to take on earning money through their own entrepreneurship. They can learn the skills needed to manage social media accounts, earn money through hobbies they love, and much more.

Greater Influence on Relationships

I have a strong influence on the types of friendships my kids form. They actually ask my opinion of potential friendships they gain. They’ve learned that I want them to have the kinds of friends that will HELP steer them in the right direction. Now they look for traits in potential friends that I hope to see in them.

They don’t have to be bullied or deal with negative peer pressure. They have the freedom to be picky about who they have as close friends in their lives.

I know they consider their siblings as their best friends. They are also extremely close to me too. We have the freedom to talk about everything that crosses our minds.

Effects of Homeschooling Later in Life

I can now proudly say that I have heard from many colleges now that they are looking for homeschooled students with each passing year. They have found that those students do exceptionally well in college because they are already taught the value of their education. Plus, they tend to come from an independent learning environment.

I have once tried to cover the disadvantages of homeschooling my kids but ended up coming up empty-handed. Except for the strain it may put on the parent themselves. It’s hard to juggle working full time and also ensuring that I provide the quality education my kids deserve. But I have found that there are tons of different methods for homeschooling kids. I’m not always the one in charge of teaching my kids. I use various online programs and school settings.

There is a long list of reasons why homeschooling is the better option. These are just some of my favorite reasons why I love homeschooling my kids. If you don’t feel convinced yet be sure to check out  Abundant Life’s 100 Reasons Why Homeschooling is Good for Families.

Talk to me in the comments:

Have you considered homeschooling your kids? If you already do it, why do you love homeschooling? 

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Why You Should Consider Homeschooling 3

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  1. Times indeed is changing and so we need to adapt. as I initially see it a hard thing to do, we must change that into an opportunity, But for me it is so hard to focus on homeschooling. Well, we will learn to develop this skill overtime

    1. At first, it is hard to find a way to add it to an already busy schedule, but you’re right you will find a way to do it. There are plenty of options for your children to be independent learners as well.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  2. This was such an interesting read! I’ve been considering homeschooling now for a while. I feel like there are a lot of pros and cons to it, but these are some useful points. Thanks for sharing!

    cute & little

  3. I think homeschooling is great. And the only thing kids would not have is their social life. Well,this too shall pass, they’ll gonna have it someday.

    1. Homeschooling has been a huge blessing for our family in so many ways. I believe if you decide to do it once you get into a routine you’ll see why I love doing it.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  4. I’ve actually considered this but it has been pretty crazy. Right now we enrolled my kid in a public school and I’m just praying that by next year, he’ll be in Canada and studying there.

  5. Homeschooling is an old concept that was practiced in India and it does foster positive reinforcements between parents and children but many a time, it Is felt that children grow up too protected. So I guess parents can be their strict taskmasters and enable children to have healthy friendships, Homeschooling is one of the best ways to groom a child

  6. I really enjoyed reading this! I’m glad I homeschooled my kids when they were young, and now my daughter is doing the same with hers. While homeschooling isn’t for everyone, I believe anyone could do it, especially given the state of our education system. There are so many reasons to consider it, and it’s hard to argue against the benefits it brings.