Explore key takeaways from This is Strategy by Seth Godin for business owners and entrepreneurs. Enhance your strategic thinking today! #ThisIsStrategy #NetGalley

This is Strategy Book Review

I couldn’t wait to dive into “This is Strategy” by Seth Godin. As a long-time fan, I was excited to explore his insights and strategies. I was particularly hopeful that I would discover valuable strategic steps to enhance our business. About This is Strategy Disclosure: Many thanks to Netgalley, the author and the publisher of…

Discover the key differences and essential strategies for successfully launching a non-profit organization. Share your vision and make a lasting impact.

Keep Your Business Head On When Starting a Non-Profit Organization

Starting a non-profit organization is a unique and rewarding endeavor, but it’s not the same as launching a profit-making business.  While both require a solid foundation and strategic approach, non-profits have distinct criteria and steps. For example, when researching how to start a 501(c)(3), the strict process ensures that entities genuinely serve public interests and…

Streamline your operations and maximize productivity with professional bookkeeping services. Unlock your business potential today.

Boosting Efficiency with Bookkeeping Services

Efficiency is paramount in the modern corporate environment. One way to boost efficiency is by using bookkeeping services. Whether you run a small business or a large corporation, keeping track of finances is crucial. This blog post will explore how bookkeeping services can help streamline your operations and save you time and money. Boosting Efficiency…

Make sure that you check out these business books for entrepreneurs to help you gain the right business mindset and tools for success. #entrepreneurs #mindset #businesssuccess
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Top Business Books for Entrepreneurs: Part 2

I have a massive list of business books for entrepreneurs lined up to read this year. I’ve shared part 1 of the books for entrepreneurs already. This is the rest of the books I have been encouraged to read this year. I have always felt that having the right mindset is essential to accomplishing the…

With thousands of offices around the world having to work from the comfort of their homes, it’s important to keep employees in the loop. Find out how here…#workfromhome #workfromhomelife #techtips #sharinglifesmoments

Keep Employees in the Loop Whilst Working from Home

With thousands of offices around the world having to work from the comfort of their homes, it’s important to keep employees in the loop. Find out how, here… The COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses to send their employees home to work which has created a myriad of challenges. One of the main challenges working from…

One of the easiest ways to earn money from home is to do surveys. There are many of them that are a waste of time. These 12 aren't! #makemoney #makemoneyonline #makemoneynow #makemoneywithyoursmartphone #makemoneyonlinenow #sharinglifesmoments

12 Survey Sites Provide Easy Ways to Make Money From Home

I’m always on the hunt for easy ways to make money from home. I love taking on small tasks that I can generate more money in my pockets while I’m in between tasks throughout the day. I’m a fan of making every moment be as productive as possible. If I can generate income from doing…

Juggling everything can be a challenge. Read these tips to pull off working at home, parenting, and marriage.

Tips to Pull off Working at Home, Parenting, and Marriage

Working from home can be a liberating experience, especially if you have children and household chores to take care of. Commuting itself can be time-consuming and exhausting, and staying at home can seriously improve your productivity and work-related performance. Additionally, when you work from home, you don’t have a boss who controls your every movement,…

Running a business shouldn't cause you to lose your relationships. Learn how to run a successful business AND still see your kids here!

Run a Business AND Still See Your Kids

Being a parent is possibly the most demanding job there is. Running a successful business also rates pretty highly on the stress scale too. Combine both of these, and you have a recipe for a chaotic life! Being a working parent is tough, whether you are employed or self-employed. Running a business is appealing to…

Whether your small sales business online is a side project or your full time income earner, these tips will help you to grow your business.

Taking Your Small Sales Business Online

More people than ever are starting small businesses. Some people are looking for ways to make a little pocket money from home, around full-time careers. Others are working full-time for themselves, making a significant income with a growing business. Some of us are working out of our homes, and others have small shops where we…

It's easy to become overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done with a new business. These time-saving hacks for new businesses help.

Time-saving Hacks for New Businesses

Starting a business can be a great way to launch your career as an entrepreneur but it’s certainly a time-consuming role. When you’re first starting out, your day will be filled with seemingly endless tasks. Indeed, trying to focus on your core business activities can be difficult when there is so much else that needs…

Being an entrepreneur has many benefits! Be sure to read this before you become an entrepreneur to know what tribulations you will face.

The Things No One Tells You About Starting A Business

While many movies, television shows, and books have depicted the glory of entrepreneurship, very few of them show exactly what running a business is like. Pursuing your passions can certainly be fun, but it involves a great deal of frustrating, stressful, and entirely unpleasant work. Starting a business is an incredible journey, but, to be…

Every entrepreneur should have a certain set of skill sets. These are the skills every entrepreneur should embrace before they start.

The Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Embrace

Becoming an entrepreneur is quite often the dream for so many of us. Yet, it can be intimidating. You can look at some of the world’s most notable and successful entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg and Arianna Huffington and think that you will never be like them. But you can. You have to remember that they…

Having creativity can become a profitable talent. Find out the importance of creative hobbies and how to take them to the next level here!

The Importance of Creative Hobbies and How To Take Them To The Next Level

If you have got a creative in the brain, then you can always be looking for more ways to find some more meaning and connection with the art of getting creative and making! It could be that you enjoy crafts more, or perhaps you prefer art. And if you have had a hobby like this…

Have You Got The Right Space For Working From Home?

Have You Got The Right Space For Working From Home?

Working from home is becoming more and more popular. What with the number of responsibilities the modern adult takes on, it only makes sense to try and contain them all to your own space! And thus, the home office is something a lot of working professionals are getting fitted, to capitalize on the space they…

Just because your a mother doesn't mean you have to give up your passions. Here's how to pursue your own passions alongside motherhood.

How To Pursue Your Own Passions Alongside Motherhood

Motherhood is one of the greatest gifts in the world, but everybody knows that it’s also one of the hardest. When you have children, it can be easy to lose yourself in parenting – here are some tips to help you pursue your own passions as well as being a mom. Source Get Planning Pre-Baby…

Marketing is a must for any business. Here is a unique method to promoting your home-based business without breaking the bank.

Promoting Your Home-Based Business Without Breaking the Bank

While working from home can be great, there are downsides too, as I’m sure you know if you’re one of the millions of people who work from home. Generally speaking, though, most people like it. Which may be one reason that number is growing. The internet is making it possible for more and more people…

Learn how to make running your business and parenting work for you by using these tips. Which ones do you use already?

How To Make Running Your Business and Parenting Work for You

Have a Block Schedule System One of the things you can do to manage your time better is having a block scheduling system or a default diary. This will tell you exactly what you have to do each day, and you can block time off to make progress with your projects. For example, if you…

Finding legitimate companies who offer work-at-home jobs just got easier. Here is a list of the top 10 places to work from home. Which of these have you found_

Top Ten Legitimate Companies That Offer Work-at-Home Jobs

It’s important to be careful when looking for work-at-home jobs in order to avoid scams. Hopefully, this list of ten legitimate work-at-home companies can help you find a job and avoid being ripped off. Remember, even with this list, be sure to check out everything and do your due diligence to avoid feeling used. You…

Become passionate about your hobbies during your evenings and weekends and make money too! These tips will get you started!

Fill Your Evenings and Weekends and Make Money Too!

If you are bored in the evening and find yourself sitting in front of the TV watching a box set for the millionth time, you need to shake things up. For many people, though, life is already expensive enough without adding weekday bar tabs or paying to do other activities. A balance is required. This…

Special Guest App is an app that is designed to help party planners connect with various entertainers with a few simple clicks.  Learn more here.

Special Guest App Makes Planning Entertaining Events Easier

While the Christmas and New Year Eve’s party events are over, it doesn’t mean that all of our party events are done until next year. In fact, we have even more reason to celebrate various events throughout our year to come. In our home, birthdays are the most crucial days that we make sure are…

Your Quickie Guide to Selling Makeup Online

Your Quickie Guide to Selling Makeup Online

Do you have a love for lipstick? Are you batty for blush? Have you ever considered selling makeup online to earn a living? If selling cosmetics from your own startup business sounds like a longshot, you might be happy to learn its easier than you think. Thanks to e-commerce platform providers, social media and the…

Keeping your home business safe from the scammers will take some effort, but could save you a lot of dollars in the long run. These tips will help!

Keeping Your Home Business from the Scammers

Every business owner has concerns about being scammed, but this can be even more of a worry when you are a small business operating from home. The number of small businesses being targeted is increasing and the scams are becoming more sophisticated. Keeping your home business safe from the scammers will take some effort, but…

Follow these tips to turn your hobby into a successful business. In the our current times, having extra ways to #earnmoney is even more important. #financialfreedom #sharinglifesmoments

Tips for Turning Your Craft Hobby into a Successful Business

A lot of people are drawn to the idea of making their craft hobbies full-time. Stories of creatives quitting their nine-to-five jobs to make money out of their online stores are not unheard of. Unfortunately, only a few who attempt to do so actually succeed in lifting their businesses out of the part-time sector. So…

You can change your life from the comfort of your home. Be sure to read this post to find how you can make that happen.

Gaining Qualifications and Adding to Your Professional Skill Set from Home

Thanks to developments in technology and wider access to technology, we can now carry out more and more tasks online. Many of us work on computers, many of us run our businesses solely online, and many of us have fulfilling social lives through our online presence. So, it’s not all too surprising that you can…

Four Tips to Help You Overcome Challenges and Take Action

Four Tips to Help You Overcome Challenges and Take Action

We all have to take action when it comes to building our dreams. After all, we need a reason to work hard and make name for ourselves one way or another. Countless life couches and inspirational mentors have made it a point to teach us to create goals for ourselves because of this what life…

Five Income Boosting Ways You Can Improve Your Finances From Your Sofa

Five Income Boosting Ways You Can Improve Your Finances From Your Sofa

We could all do with boosting our income every now and again. There are possibly many things you could be saving up for or want to do with your family if only finances would improve. But there are things you can do from the comfort of your own home that can help improve your financial…

Money management for home workers can be a bit of a challenge. These tips will help you to manage your finances better. Learn more here.

The Ultimate Guide To Money Management For Home Workers

When it comes to money, it’s always good to know that you’ve got things under control. If you’re someone that works from home, you may find that your personal and your business finances tend to blend a bit. While that’s not always a problem, it can just mean that you have a lot more on…

3 Effective Ways to Survive the Health Effects of a Sedentary Job

3 Effective Ways to Survive the Health Effects of a Sedentary Job

Sedentary sitting is something that a majority of people do on a daily basis. Especially if one is in the corporate scene, sitting is part and parcel of their lives. It’s no secret, however, that sitting for a long period of time is pretty hazardous to one’s health. In fact, over the years, there have…

How to Maintain Productivity Levels and Avoid an Afternoon Crash

How to Maintain Productivity Levels and Avoid an Afternoon Crash

Do you ever feel like you can’t make it through an entire day without napping? Sometimes you just want to go home and curl up on your side sleeper mattress. Life doesn’t often give us time to slow down even when we are most tired. One of the worst feelings is feeling as if you…

6 Tips to Keep You Healthy At Your Job Desk

6 Tips to Keep You Healthy At Your Job Desk

Your health can be seriously affected by long hours of sitting with nothing to balance the inactivity. Unfortunately, most people who work in offices spend their time at work either sitting at the computer or sitting around tables in meetings. One needs to make conscious efforts to carry out some exercise from time to time….

Looking for Extra Income? 5 Ways to Make Money at Home

Looking for Extra Income? 5 Ways to Make Money at Home

Are you a busy mom, house husband, university student or an employed person looking to make more income on the side? You can make money from home via your computer and an internet connection. Mind you there are several “work from home” scams, beware of falling for the wrong type of offer or service. Some…

Resumes are something many of us struggle to make well. Here are some tips to help make yours stand out. Which ones are you using?

Here’s What’s Missing From Your Resume

 Keeping your resume up-to-date is really important if you’re hoping to progress your career. It is the first thing potential employers will look at before they choose to speak formally or informally to you about a position. The trouble is, resumes or career summaries can easily become out-of-date. Here are just some of the most…

Getting Cash Back Has Never Been As Easy As This

Getting Cash Back Has Never Been As Easy As This

And we’re talking about cash back at its purest form—not rewards points, not gift certificates, but actual cash back. Bless the soul of whoever thought of the cash back concept. Along with “major sale,” it’s one of those things that make our hearts skip a beat when we go shopping. Credit card companies have been…